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differential medium是什么意思

发布时间:2020-09-08 作者: 英语查

differential medium 是什么意思


differential:    adj. 1.差别的,区别的;特定的。 2.【数学】微分 ...
medium:    n. (pl. -dia ) 1.媒介物;传导体;媒质, ...


1.2 . according to the effect of combination of different hormone concentration in the medium on callus formation and shoot induction of tomato cotvledons , we defined mso + 2 . 0mg / l ba + - 0 . 2mg / l iaa as optimum differential medium
根据番茄子叶外植体在加有不同激素浓度配比的培养基上愈伤组织分化和芽再生的情况,确定最佳分化培养基为ms _ 0 + 2 . 0mg / lba + 0 . 2mg / liaa ; 3

2.Studies on screening of strains of producing phytase and the conditions of producing phytase the strains of producing phytase could be identified by the hydrolysis bound in differential medium . aspergillus niger an010001 secreting phytase was isolated by screening and second screening . the conditions of producing phytase was studied
植酸酶菌株的筛选及产酶条件的研究本项研究利用植酸酶的菌株能在筛选培养基上形成水解透明圈的特点而进行鉴定,通过初筛和复筛,得到一株产植酸酶较高的黑曲霉( aspergillusniger ) an00101菌株。

上一篇: differential gear是什么意思

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